CCTV famous host Qian Dong interviewed Henry Zhang:We believe, and then we see



Recently, CCTV famous host Qian Dong's exclusive in-depth interview with  Henry Zhang, the founder, chairman and CEO of TUGE Technologies , was officially broadcasted through the authoritative platform of CCTV to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, which triggered a warm response, andTUGE, the world's leading mobile Internet of Things platform, attracted attention again! This is CCTV's high recognition of TUGE's "globalisation development, continuous innovation and industrial empowerment", and also a great affirmation of Touge's market competitiveness and industry status.

CCTV famous host Qian Dong in-depth interview with Henry Zhang, the founder of TUGE Technologies


As a benchmark enterprise in the field of mobile Internet of Things application,  Henry Zhang was invited to face to face with Qian Dong, the famous CCTV host, to sincerely share the original intention of TUGE's establishment, talk about TUGE's ten years of struggle and growth, and discuss innovation, change and the future in depth.


The original intention of the venture, to create value for the era of mobile Internet of things

Based on the global vision and deep insight into the industry trends, started his own business, and TUGE Technologies was born in 2013. In the CCTV interview about the beginning of entrepreneurship, Henry Zhang said: "At that time, we keenly found that from 4G to 5G, mobile Internet of Things will become a key link in the process of upgrading the society from information technology to digitalisation."  He hopes to make use of his experience, ability and resources in the industry accumulated over the years to do something for the arrival of this era of mobile IoT. Entrepreneurship is bitter, but challenging and enjoyable!


Self-innovation to promote the efficiency model of the smart industry


"Isn't dancing every day the meaning of life?" With the great dream of "global connectivity, freedom and ease", under the leadership of Henry Zhang, TUGE team has started ten years of dedicated R&D and innovation in the field of NB/2G/3G/4G/5G global cellular communication.


Constructing core technology ecosystem and consolidating global leading edge, TUGE cloud communication has become the third generation of "cloud" in the wave of globalisation. Nowadays, TUGE adopts self-developed SDR technology and complete vSIM technology system, has established close cooperation with more than 300 operators around the world, and realised network coverage in more than 200 countries and regions, and TUGE 's various communication technology solutions have provided global connectivity and operation management services for enterprises and channel partners in more than 50 countries and regions.


In Henry Zhang's opinion, "The birth of TUGE actually provides a new solution to the whole industry, that is, through our cooperation with global operators, their networks are interconnected on the Touge platform, so as to give all kinds of smart device terminals and device manufacturers to use with extremely low cost and high efficiency, thus promoting the efficiency of the whole smart industry. model enhancement."


Scene-centred, non-stop steps lead the industry in innovation and development

CCTV famous host Qian Dong interviewed  Henry Zhang:We believe, and then we see


The step is not stopping, the struggle is not stopping. By building a cloud communication and Internet of Things platform, TUGE empowers industrial intelligence and integrates with the industry, covering the fields of robotics, smart cars, new energy, cameras, POS machines, wearable devices, smart containers, industrial routing, smart retail, goods tracking, cross-border business travel, etc., and has become a good partner of "China's Intelligent Manufacturing Going Overseas". The award of "2023 Top 15 Overseas Enterprises" highlights the powerful platform empowerment strength of TUGE .


CCTV interview, Henry Zhang said: the next ten years, is the golden period of the development of mobile Internet of things, but also TUGE global accelerated outbreak of new opportunities. "Firstly, the accumulation of TUGE in the past, especially to meet the demand for global connection needed in the process of mobile Internet, especially the intelligence and digitisation of the industry; secondly, TUGE is facing the global market, and the experience formed by combining the Chinese market with the industry can be copied to many countries quickly to form the scale advantage of globalisation. ".


In the future, TUGE Technology will adhere to the "scene-centred", actively integrate into the "One Belt and One Road", "Digital Silk Road" construction process, and work with more ecological partners to cultivate TUGE  with more eco-partners, we will work on the three major scenarios of "Smart Manufacturing Going Overseas", "Local Mobile Internet of Things" and "Cross-border Connectivity Services" to draw a promising future and lead the industry to sustained growth.