Keep moving forward! TUGE Technologies was awarded "2023 China AIoT Top 100 Enterprises" TOP34



Recently, Internet Weekly, which is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the Science Publishing House, and eNet Research Institute released the list of "2023 China's AIoT Top 100 Enterprises", and TUGE Technologies, the world's leading AIoT platform, was selected for the third consecutive year and ranked as one of the "2023 AIoT Top 100 Enterprises", thanks to the profound technology accumulation, innovative products and services, and excellent market performance. Market performance for three consecutive years in the list, rankings continue to climb, ranked in the "2023 AIoT Top 100 enterprises" TOP 34.

Being selected into the list of "2023 AIoT Top 100 Enterprises" together with Haier Intelligence, Huawei, Alibaba, Xiaomi and so on is not only a high recognition of TUGE's outstanding achievements in the field of AIoT, but also an affirmation of TUGE's outstanding contribution to empowering intelligent manufacturing to go to the sea, and a commendation of its high-speed development of globalisation. It is also an affirmation of TUGE's outstanding contribution in enabling smart manufacturing to go overseas, and a commendation of TUGE's high-speed globalisation.

Keep moving forward! TUGE Technologies was awarded


As an innovative global cloud communication AIoT platform, TUGE Technologies is committed to providing global customers with one-stop cloud communication solutions, and provides global customers with "efficient, stable and cost-effective" intelligent connectivity and operation management services by virtue of its excellent cloud communication technology and innovative AIoT solutions.


With the booming development of global mobile IoT, TUGE Technologies has entered into a high-speed development channel with its deep technological innovation and accumulation.


In addition to continuously polishing the technical height, TUGE also fully exploits its own technical advantages to build a unique business model. Starting from the market advantage of SDN+vsim core technology of independent innovation, TUGE deeply ploughs into the three scenarios of MBB (global local mobile broadband) + IoT (mobile IoT solution) + CBT (cross-border communication service) to form the coverage and cost advantage around the globe, the global one-stop advantage of the operation and maintenance management platform, and the comprehensive advantage of the communication+value-added service, and the three advantageous values are mutually reinforcing to activate customers' value demand at different levels. The three advantageous values promote each other, activate customer value demand at different levels, thus bringing sustainable leapfrog growth and forming a powerful flywheel effect.


In a word, the award of "2023 China's Top 100 AIoT Enterprises" TOP34 is another manifestation of its technical strength and market position. Looking to the future, the leapfrog development of TUGE Technologies will continue to give full play to its innovative ability and professional advantages, to provide global customers with more "high-quality, efficient and secure" global cloud communication products and services, and to lead the innovation and promote the sustained development and progress of the world's intelligent industry.